24: What is this crazy moment about for you?

24: What is this crazy moment about for you?

In the midst of what feels like an unprecedented global coming together, the vulnerability created by the pandemic seems to have heightened the political conflict both among Americans and among us as countries. There seems to be a desperate need to control one...
24: What is this crazy moment about for you?

23: What matters the most to you right now?

It’s possible if we don’t keep asking that question we will slip into living as if something less important to us is the most important. I think I slipped into that a few times this week and I’m thankful for the way this in-between-episode helped me see some things...
24: What is this crazy moment about for you?

22: What about the homeless?

Are they people to see or just a problem to solve? Maybe what makes it so difficult for us, is that we know they are people. We can’t stand the thought of anyone living without a home, yet we feel powerless. Is giving money and food helpful or does it just prolong the...
24: What is this crazy moment about for you?

20: Can we really talk about this?

In this episode, Judy and her friend Melanie dive into dialogue around what is probably the most emotionally charged social issue facing Americans today. Don’t worry it’s not going to be ugly because their goal is not to win a debate or change the other person. It...
24: What is this crazy moment about for you?

19: What’s happening in our world?

This is an “In between interview episode” intended to draw out the learning from the previous one. Suggesting that moralism might be what’s going on in the world today, Judy describes how something as important as a moral compass can be given the power to destroy our...